Sunday, 10 April 2011


Spring has certainly arrived, and for the time being has kindly brought the sunshine with it. Buds are busting all over the garden, including those of the weed kind, but we shall overlook those for now. here are a few of my favorite flowers in my garden at the moment.
Don't you just love the sweet face of the viola, always turning towards the sun and looking so cheery. I love the way it self seeds and pops up in the most unexpected places.
The gold laced primula is a firm fav of mine, I have it dotted about and the edges seem to glow in the shade.
This snakes head fritillary was put in a few years ago and gets better each year. The checkered petals are such an unusal pattern for a flower.
a little corner that I am still working on, but seems to be coming along nicely, there is always something to do in a garden isn't there.
This one came out of a mixed bag of bulbs bought in a supermarket last autumn.
Today, I headed off to my first plant fair of the year. This one was held at bramall Hall near Stockport. It was such a beautiful setting. the house is very impressive, I didn't have time to go inside, will save that for another time. The plant fair was situated on a lawn to the side of the hall.
Here is a view from the front, amazing timberwork!
One of the plants I bought was this little primula, I just couldn't resist the pretty markings on the petals. It almost looks vintage! It's full name is Primula Polyanthus barnhaven Striped Victorian. Quite a mouthful for a little flower.
From my garden, I picked a few flowers to make a posy and decided to paint them, it is quite a small painting just 5" x 5".

Many thanks for all the lovely comments that were left after my last post, I really do appreciate each and every one. Hope the sun is shining where you are.


  1. Oh, how lucky you are to have a garden and to have the opportunity to plant such a variety of beautiful flowers! This is an excitement that becomes stronger each and every day, I suppose, as you are looking as they grow and enjoy the result of your hard work... I'm much impressed by the Primula Polyanthus and the flower with the most unusual pattern I have ever seen - the pink "chess table"!!!
    Your painting is marvellous!
    I wish you many more joyful moments with your flowers!:)

  2. Thank you Rossichka, It is wonderful to watch each day as different buds open and it is lovely to be able share it here.

  3. I am a little late catching up on your blog.

    Your website is very good, you have a good and diverse selection of work. I love your paintings in particular, your lovely dolls and your illustrations are all of a very high standard. I wish you well. x

  4. Thank you valerie, your kind words mean so much. x

  5. Lovely photos - the gardens are certainly enjoying this little heat wave aren't they but I'm starting to wish for some rain! Gardeners are so contrary! Love your little posy painting too. A real reminder of this moment.

  6. Oh Joy, that is where Spring is hiding. I think your flowers are fabulous! The Primula are so pretty. I don't think I've ever seen them. They are beautiful. I need to look into where they will grow. We have had snow here all week. Yesterday, it snowed a very wet snow all day long. It was so cold everyone was saying it seemed like December or January. Today, the sun came out for a bit. I hope Spring will find it's way to Utah soon. I adore your cute little painting. The colors are so soothing. Thanks for sharing your Spring day with me. <3 Vickie

  7. Thank you Ann and Vicky, I know what you mean Ann, I am harbouring a secret desire for rain too. Sorry to hear that spring is dragging it feet in Utah Vickie, We will try and send you some. : )

  8. What a wonderful display from your garden, and a lovely little painting very fresh bright and full of spring.

  9. Thank you James, it has to be said that I didnt photograph the grotty parts of the garden of which there are many!!

  10. Hi Joy, yes the sun is definitely shining here and has been for a couple of weeks. I love the display of beautiful flowers in your garden. Snakeshead fritillaries are among my favourite flowers. They seem to be much rarer in the wild now though. That house is absolutely amazing.

  11. What a lovely cheerful post! I do love spring and we are having such a good one this year. Thank you for popping by my blog, the little bird in the photo was made by my friend, she does lovely pottery but only as gifts, so I am lucky to have him.
