Monday, 14 February 2011

the felt stash

Recently, whilst delving into the far corners of my bedroom/workroom/sanctuary, I came across a box of rainbow colours just begging me to stop whatever it was that I had been intending to do, and hold the colours in my hand, colour against colour, they were like jewels, ideas floated into my mind, and a seed was sown/sewn.... I had rediscovered my felt stash.
It was not as tidy as this when I found it, it was all higgerly piggerly, but a happy time was spent pulling out each piece and carefully unfolding and rolling into little sausages all placed together so that I could admire their colours next to one another. I wanted to make something there and then, something I had been toying with for a while and now it was quite clear to me what it was - a pin cushion. That most simple domestic tool of the needlewoman, but something that can be as plain as you wish or as decorative. I wanted mine to be like a spring posy, an early summer garden.
All pretty colours jostling together with little leaves poking through and buds half open.

This was my first, in a tiny round cardboard box, this is the one I will keep. Then more began to appear, like seedlings.

I filled tiny plant pots with felt and wadding and flowers blossomed.

Hope you like them as much as I enjoyed making them, there are some now in my Etsy shop.


  1. Yes, I am sure I like them as much as you, your enjoyment is evident.

  2. Spring is in the air!...They are lovely!:)

  3. So sweet! I enjoy rediscovering old stash too, it's amazing what you have hidden away!

  4. Those are just delightful. I have some little pots like that and I didn't know what to do with them. they would make lovely little easter gifts.

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